Please Visit my Webpage at
Making this website, was more of a challenge than I originally thought it would be. To be honest, I thought it would be much more simpler knowing that I was going to use Microsoft Expression Web. The page I am most proud of is the description page because it included many new thigns i learned such as the thumbnail, hyperlinks, background picture and the nav bar as well. If I could change something it would have been to fix the really cool collage I had made in photoshop for the pictures section but for some reason it refused to work so I had to insert each picture individually and it doesnt look nearly as good as it would have. The biggest design challenge was the nav bar, and the biggest technical one was making everything line up on the tables. Hopefully I can make this site better and make it the official Latino Exchange website, because ours is not updated. After learning this, there is definitely a possibility that someone will ask me to make a site for another class, and I would be up for it.
Sweet website. You seem to have had some of the same problems I did with the tables though.