Thursday, September 30, 2010

The great things about Excel

Coming into this class I thought I was pretty comfortable with Excel, due to the amount of time I spent using it this summer for my internship, yet I have been proven quite wrong. I am completely amazed at the new functions and design parts I keep learning in class every time. For example, I had no idea how to use conditional formatting, or even something as simple as themes. Although I already knew this, it is so convenient to be able to copy a function down a column or across a row just by scrolling down/across a cross. It is also easy how it can guess what you will put next sometimes, like the dates. I only wish that the excel program was as simple on a mac as it is on a pc,but maybe its just that I haven't become as comfortable with it on my mac as i have on the school pcs. I truly believe that any type of excel exercise in class will be helpful for the future. I know that I can, and will, use what I have learned in excel for future internships and jobs, even for class presentations.

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